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Grindr, the popular dating app used by millions of gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, on Tuesday named a new CEO who is scheduled to take the company public this fall with an ambitious $2.1 billion valuation. Arison will take over on Oct. 19 as Grindr prepares to go public by merging with a special purpose acquisition company. The Grindr app logo on a mobile phone screen. The current deal to take Grindr public, which is set to take place later this year, was made public in May. In addition to announcing a new CEO, Grindr also announced Tuesday that it will bring on a new chief financial officer, Vanna Krantz.
But the good news is, for those in need of a pick-me-up, the internet treasure trove that is TikTok has a seemingly endless supply of LGBTQ creators serving up fun and informative queer content. Here are 10 TikTokers to follow if you’re looking to brighten up the (literally) darker days ahead. Queer Chameleon on TikTok is an adorable pocket of the internet where cartoon chameleons, sporting various queer flags, talk about the gay experience. Some of the videos use other queer influencers’ audio, while others use original audio made by the artist behind the chameleons. Basically, if you’re looking for extra cute content that you’ll find super relatable, Queer Chameleon is the spot to go.
News centered on the trans community is often dominated by such trends, but across the country, grassroots nonprofit groups led by transgender people are creating spaces for their communities to find safety and joy. Here are 11 grassroots groups that do just that by providing their communities with home-cooked meals, health care, space for creativity and other services. Transgender Education Network of Texas — Austin, TexasThe Transgender Education Network of Texas at a protest last year. Jamil-Jack AbreuThe group provides free chest binders to transmasculine people nationwide and Thanksgiving meals to those who need them. The Black trans-led LGBTQ organization provides low-barrier shelter to those experiencing homelessness, transitional housing, middle-age housing and senior housing.
Black men treated differentlyThe allegations against Anderson mirror those against disgraced USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar at Michigan State University and Richard Strauss at Ohio State University. This, she said, is often an issue when it comes to reporting issues like sexual abuse and murder. Gonczar has been spending time with Vaughn in his protest to show solidarity with abuse survivors at the University of Michigan. Gonczar now works as director of development at the Avalon Healing Center, which provides support for victims of sexual abuse. When Black men report that they have been victimized by others, “different stereotypes activate”, Curry added.
In her YouTube videos, Campbell says the money goes toward drugs and gifts for one girlfriend after another. Campbell acknowledged in a YouTube video that she had sex with Pendergraff while Pendergraff was "black out" drunk. Kaylee Jade said Campbell abused her repeatedly throughout their relationshipDuring her on again, off again relationship with Pendergraff, Campbell started to date Kaylee Jade, too. According to Jade, Campbell DM'd her on Twitter in 2019 when she was 18 and experiencing homelessness. In a since deleted YouTube video, Campbell said she got "physical" with Jade, including throwing her to the ground.
Sursa foto: Getty ImagesSerghei Lavrov susține că școlile occidentale îi învață pe elevi că Iisus Hristos a fost bisexualMinistrul rus de externe Serghei Lavrov a scris în cotidianul rusesc Kommersant, apropiat de regimul de la Moscova, un editorial critic la adresa democrațiilor liberale, în care susține că elevii din școlile occidentale sunt învățați că Iisus Hristos a fost bisexual și non-binar, potrivit The Moscow Times, citat de Digi24. „În mai multe țări occidentale, elevii învață la școală că Iisus Hristos era bisexual”, a declarat Serghei Lavrov, care a mai descris presupusele învățături drept niște „încercări de a încălca însăși natura umană”, pe lângă dreptul internațional. În videoclip, fiul femeii spune că Iisus este bisexual „pentru că iubește toți oamenii din lume” și non-binar „pentru că poartă o rochie”. Observatorii ruși sunt de părere că această critică a ministrului Lavrov față de Occident are ca scop crearea unui sprijin din partea unui public intern conservator înaintea alegerilor parlamentare din această toamnă. De altfel, la începutul acestei luni, președintele Vladimir Putin l-a pus pe Lavrov alături de alte personalități ale elitei Kremlinului, în fruntea listei candidaților partidului Rusia Unită în scrutinul din 19 septembrie.
Persons: Serghei Lavrov, Iisus Hristos, Isus ., Iisus, Vladimir Putin Organizations: Moscow Locations: Moscova, Statelor Unite al Americii, Europei, China, Rusia, Australia, Occident, Rusia Unită
ILGA-Europe (Международная ассоциация лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и интерсексуалов (англ. ILGA) опубликовала рейтинг стран Европы в зависимости от соблюдения прав ЛГБТИ-людей. Молдова находится в этом рейтинге на 36 месте. Румыния находится на 38 месте в этом рейтинге, а Украина — на 40 месте. ILGA — международная организация, занимающаяся вопросами соблюдения прав человека для ЛГБТ.
Persons: Gay, ILGA —, nokta Organizations: Международная ассоциация лесбиянок, лгбтилюди, ЛГБТ Locations: Europe, ILGA, Европа, Мальта, Бельгия, Люксембург, Молдова, Болгария, Италия, Румыния, Украина, Россия, Армения, Турция, Азербайджан
Moldova devine tot mai tolerantă față de persoanele LGBT. Cum arată clasamentul în anul 2021clasamentul anual al celor mai prietenoase țări față de persoanele LGBTQ+. Moldova se află pe poziția 36 din 49 de țări, fiind amplasată între Bulgaria și Italia. ILGA (The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) Europe a publicatanual al celor mai prietenoase țări față de persoanele LGBTQ+. Dintre țările (republicele) fostei URSS, Moldova se află pe locul 4 printre cele mai tolerantă state.
Organizations: Europe Locations: Moldova, Bulgaria, Italia, Malta, Belgia, Luxemburg, Portugalia, Norvegia, Azerbaidjan, Armenia, Turcia, Rusia, Monaco, România, Ucraina, URSS, Estonia, Georgia, Lituania, Sodoma, Gomora
Echipa #diez propune o listă de traduceri în limba engleză ale unor denumiri de localități din Moldova pentru a veni în întâmpinarea străinilor care vizitează țara noastră. Bicaz – Double CaseBotoșani – Big BootiesBrad – Christmas Trees LandBran – HardyBroșteni – The FroggiesBuftea – The Tea FellBuhuși – Boo! Căldărușani – BucketeersCiorogârla – Nigger-RiverConstanța – The SteadinessCorabia – GalleonCucuieții din Deal – Upper Town Headbumped PeopleCucuieții din Vale – Downtown Headbumped PeopleDarabani – Money GiverDomnești – You’re the King! Drăgășani – Town of CaressingEforie – Drugs AllowedFierbinți – Hot PeopleFrecăței – JerkoffvilleFundu Moldovei – Moldova’s AssGura Humorului – Humour’s MouthHuși – Shoo! Ineu – Inside MeÎnsurăței – Town of Unfortunate PeopleÎntorsura Buzăului – Too Much BotoxLupeni – Wolves ZoneMamaia – The Granny’s ResortMehedinţi – McTeethMiroși – You Smell!
Persons: învață, Echipa, diez, Acui, Shepherd Bălți –, Arabia Bezeda, , Ceroborta, Bo Peep, Dumeni, Fundurii, Goleni, Groznița, Gura Galbenei, Jos –, Gora, Marian, Ana Moșene, Ina Onești –, Putin, Double, – You’re Stalin, Zara Unguri, Unteni, Zaparojeț –, Adâncata, Copăceni, Julie Aninoasa, Brad –, Bran – Hardy Broșteni, Domnești, Gura, Întorsura, Lupeni, Darth Vader, Pârțeștii, Guy Roșiori –, Ana, Slobozia, Jos, Dacă Organizations: Shepherd Bălți – Moldovan Venice Besarabia, Jos – Let’s Party, Let’s Party, Double Zina, Bears, Sochi Soroca, Arad, Unshaven, Unshaven Baia Mare, Downtown, Mare Locations: Moldova, localităților din Moldova, localități, Shepherd Bălți – Moldovan Venice, Arabia, Kiev, Hell, Sochi, Unshaven Baia, Deal, Vale, , Caressing, Wetnose, Oradea, Sus, Jos, Piatra Neamț, The, Vaslui
Justin Trudeau Fast Facts
  + stars: | 2015-11-03 | by ( Cnn Editorial Research | )   time to read: +6 min
CNN —Here’s a look at the life of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. While campaigning for prime minister, Trudeau endorsed the legalization of marijuana. TimelineApril 1972 - During a state visit with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, US President Richard Nixon makes a prediction: “Tonight, we’ll dispense with the formalities,” Nixon says. “I’d like to toast the future prime minister of Canada: to Justin Pierre Trudeau.”1998 - Trudeau’s brother, Michel Trudeau, is killed in an avalanche while skiing. The video shows Trudeau, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte laughing.
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