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He directs customers to find seats in Sabar Menanti, his two-story Malay restaurant, while ducking behind the counter to serve the restaurant's signature nasi padang. His grandparents opened Sabar Menanti in the 1920s and started selling nasi padang near a tombstone shop. But as his relatives had a handle on the business, Tambunan went on to work in the shipping industry. Dealing with rising costsAt a nasi padang stall, diners can choose from a variety of sides to eat with their rice. Tambunan told me he wanted her to remain active in her old age and encouraged her to return to help.
Persons: Iszahar Tambunan, Menanti, nasi, Tambunan, , Sabar Menanti, Sabar, Erin Liam, Tambunan's, I've, Maryulis Bagindor Marlian, Nasi, Beef, Azreen Aziz, Aziz, tauhu telor, masak, I'm, Anthony Bourdain, Erin Liam I, Menanti Tambunan, he's Organizations: Service, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore Statistics Board Locations: shipbroking, Singapore, nasi padang, Sabar, padang, Malay, Kampong Glam, Bahasa Indonesia, Sultan Mosque, Nasi padang, Indonesian, rendang, achar
Mount Marapi volcano spews volcanic ash as seen from Nagari Batu Palano in Agam, West Sumatra province, Indonesia, December 4, 2023, in this photo taken by Antara Foto. The 2,891-metre high volcano in West Sumatra erupted on Sunday, spewing gray clouds of ash as high as 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) into the sky. Search operations for 10 missing climbers were under way on Tuesday, local authorities said, with about 200 local rescuers involved. For more than a decade, Indonesia's volcanology agency had sent monthly letters warning the environment ministry and local conservation agency that climbers should keep a safe distance from the volcano's peak, said agency head Hendra Gunawan. The volcano erupted several times in January and February 2023, but its relatively infrequent eruptions during the past decade have made it difficult to analyse, said Ahmad Basuki of the volcanology agency.
Persons: Antara, el, Indonesia's, Hendra, Rescuers, Marapi, Ahmad Basuki, Ananda Teresia, Kate Lamb Organizations: Rights, Reuters, West, Thomson Locations: Batu, Agam , West Sumatra, Indonesia, Rights JAKARTA, West Sumatra, West Sumatra's, Mt
PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted with white-and-gray ash plumes Sunday, stranding and injuring climbers and spreading volcanic ash over several villages. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot) mountain on Saturday and became stranded. Political Cartoons View All 1277 ImagesThe eruption sent ash plumes more than 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) into the air and hot ash clouds spread several miles (kilometers). Falling ash blanketed several villages and blocked sunlight, National Disaster Management Agency spokesperson Abdul Muhari said. Authorities distributed masks and urged residents to wear eyeglasses to protect them from volcanic ash, he said.
Persons: Marapi, Ahmad Rifandi, Indonesia’s Volcanology, Hari Agustian, Abdul Muhari, Gobah Cumantiang, Niniek, Mari Yamaguchi Organizations: Hazard Mitigation, Rescue Agency, Disaster Management Agency, Associated Press Locations: PADANG, Indonesia, Marapi, Padang, West Sumatra, Rubai, Jakarta, Tokyo
PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for at least 22 others reportedly missing. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot) mountain on Saturday and became stranded. West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said rescuers on Monday morning found 11 bodies of climbers as they searched for those who still missing and rescued three others. Political Cartoons View All 1277 Images“The evacuation process of the bodies and survivors are still ongoing,” he said, adding that rescuers are still searching for 22 climbers reportedly still missing. Authorities distributed masks and urged residents to wear eyeglasses to protect them from volcanic ash, he said.
Persons: Marapi, Hari Agustian, Abdul Malik, , Ahmad Rifandi, Indonesia’s Volcanology, Abdul Muhari, Gobah Cumantiang Organizations: Sunday, Rescue Agency, Hazard Mitigation, Disaster Management Agency Locations: PADANG, Indonesia, Agam district, West Sumatra, Padang, Marapi, Rubai
Aceste presiuni sunt uneori exercitate asupra indoneziencelor creştine sau de alte religii şi "s-au amplificat substanţial în ultimii ani", potrivit raportului intitulat "Am vrut să fug: coduri vestimentare abuzive impuse femeilor şi fetelor din Indonezia".În această ţară cu cea mai mare populaţie musulmană din lume, Islamul nu este religie de stat. Protestantismul, catolicismul, hinduismul, budismul şi confucianismul sunt, de asemenea, recunoscute.Cu toate acestea, majoritatea şcolilor publice din arhipelagul de aproape 270 de milioane de locuitori, în special din provinciile predominant musulmane, solicită elevelor să poarte veşminte islamice începând cu şcoala primară.Şcolile publice recurg la "o combinaţie de presiuni psihologice, umilire publică şi pedepse pentru a convinge fetele să poarte hijab", se arată în raport.Această evoluţie este destul de recentă, în condiţiile în care în anii 1980, şcolile publice interziceau purtarea hijab-ului.Indonezia, unde 90% din populaţie este musulmană, era cunoscută pentru practicarea unui islam moderat, deschis către alte religii, însă în ultimele decenii ţara a cunoscut o amplificare a curentelor conservatoare, scrie Aproximativ 75% dintre femeile musulmane din Indonezia poartă hijab, potrivit unui studiu din 2019 realizat de Centrul de cercetare Alvara.La începutul acestui an, cazul lui Jeni Cahyani Hia, o elevă creştină din oraşul Padang (Sumatra), forţată de şcoala sa să poarte hijab, a reaprins dezbaterea.Fata a refuzat să poarte hijab, iar părinţii săi au înregistrat în secret o întrevedere în cadrul căreia un responsabil al şcolii susţinea că purtarea acestuia este obligatorie pentru toate elevele, indiferent de religie. Înregistrarea video a devenit virală pe reţelele sociale, iar şcoala a fost nevoită să îşi ceară scuze.Autorităţile indoneziene au reacţionat în februarie prin emiterea unui decret care interzicea şcolilor publice să-şi oblige elevele să poarte hijab-ul.Profesoarele şi funcţionarele din Indonezia sunt, de asemenea, constrânse să adopte îmbrăcămintea islamică, iar unele departamente guvernamentale avertizează vizitatoarele că trebuie să poarte hijab pentru a intra în sediul lor, a menţionat HRW.
Persons: Jeni, dezbaterea.Fata Locations: Indonezia, Padang, Sumatra
Total: 5