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6 mentions found

Is the rule of Myanmar's junta under threat?
  + stars: | 2023-11-20 | by ( )   time to read: +5 min
Importantly, they were joined also by members of so-called people's defence forces, a loosely organised movement backed by Myanmar's parallel, National Unity Government (NUG). HOW SERIOUS A THREAT IS THE JUNTA FACING? It is too soon to predict the extent to which the military's rule in the rest of the country could be under threat, analysts say. But the 1027 offensive has given a black eye to a well-equipped military with decades of experience fighting insurgencies. With its reputation at stake, the junta is unlikely to concede easily and risk a domino effect of challenges to its authority in more regions of a country where its rule is deeply unpopular.
Persons: Martin Petty, Robert Birsel Organizations: REUTERS, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, National Liberation Army, Arakan Army, National Unity Government, AA, Security, Thomson Locations: Myanmar, Myanmar's Khawmawi, India, Zokhawthar, Champhai district, India's, Mizoram, Shan State, China, Rakhine State, Kayah, Thailand, Sagaing, Chin State
The ethnic Chin fighters said they used drones to drop bombs on the military bases, and junta soldiers fought back - especially fiercely at Khawmawi - occasionally firing mortars. At least nine Chin fighters were killed in the assault, along with six junta soldiers, two Chin rebels said, asking not to be named. Suan and Lawma's account of the battle, which was corroborated by a rebel commander and six residents who witnessed some of the fighting, provides a rare ground-level insight into a widening assault against Myanmar's military junta. After the two military camps were overrun, 43 junta soldiers crossed over to India seeking shelter and most were subsequently flown back to Myanmar. On the other side stood armed Chin rebels, under a billowing Chin flag.
Persons: Suan, Chin, Min Tun, Sui Khar, Zaw Min Tun, Krishn Kaushik, Devjyot, Robert Birsel Organizations: REUTERS, Arakan Army, Brotherhood Alliance, Chin, Thomson Locations: Khawmawi, India, Myanmar, Zokhawthar, Champhai district, India's, Mizoram, Chin State, Rihkhawdar, India's Champhai, Shan State, Myanmar's, China, Rakhine State, Kayah State, Thailand
Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun said the military was facing "heavy assaults from a significant number of armed rebel soldiers" in Shan State in the northeast, Kayah State in the east and Rakhine State in the west. Zaw Min Tun said some military positions had been evacuated and the insurgents had been using drones to drop hundreds of bombs on military posts. "We are urgently taking measures to protect against drone bomb attacks effectively," the junta spokesperson said late on Wednesday. Western governments have re-imposed sanctions on the Myanmar junta in response to the coup and crackdowns on protests and demanded the release of Suu Kyi and other pro-democracy politicians and activists. The junta spokesperson denounced the group saying it was "destroying" Rakhine State.
Persons: Zaw Min Tun, Tin, Swe, Nobel, Aung, Suu Kyi, General Antonio Guterres, Kanupriya Kapoor, Robert Birsel Organizations: REUTERS, Naypyitaw, Reuters, military's, Administration Council, SAC, Arakan Army, AA, National Defence Force, Thomson Locations: Myanmar, Zokhawthar, Champhai, India's, Mizoram, India, Shan State, Kayah State, Rakhine State, Zaw, Naypyitaw, Suu, Chin State, Rakhine
Most of the nearly 5,000 Myanmar nationals who had fled to India to escape intense fighting between the rebels and Myanmar military since early Monday morning had returned home as the situation calmed down, local leaders said. Rebel forces intend to take control of part of the porous border with India. Surrounded by lush green hills, the Chin flag was hoisted on a gate that welcomed visitors to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar at the Zokhawthar border crossing. Among those fleeing the attacks near Zokhawthar on Monday were 43 Myanmar soldiers who escaped the surprise attack by the rebels and entered India. The Indian authorities eventually sent most of them back by flying them to another border crossing point a few hundred km east.
Persons: Chanchinmawia, , Ramtharnghaka, Krishn Kaushik, Tomasz Janowski Organizations: Union of Myanmar, Assam Rifle, Chinland Defence Force, People’s Defence Force, Chin National Army, Young Mizo Association Locations: Chanchinmawia ZOKHAWTHAR, India, Myanmar’s Chin, Mizoram, Myanmar, China, Shan State, Rakhine, Chin, India’s Zokhawthar, Republic of, Union, Zokhawthar
ZOKHAWTHAR, India, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Two days after rebel forces in Myanmar’s Chin state overran the junta’s two military bases close to the border with India, they have taken control of a border crossing point between the two countries across the tiny hilly Indian state of Mizoram. Most of the nearly 5,000 Myanmar nationals who had fled to India to escape intense fighting between the rebels and Myanmar military since early Monday morning had returned home as the situation calmed down, local leaders said. Rebel forces intend to take control of part of the porous border with India. Surrounded by lush green hills, the Chin flag was hoisted on a gate that welcomed visitors to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar at the Zokhawthar border crossing. Among those fleeing the attacks near Zokhawthar on Monday were 43 Myanmar soldiers who escaped the surprise attack by the rebels and entered India.
Persons: , Ramtharnghaka, Chanchinmawia, Krishn Kaushik, Tomasz Janowski Organizations: Union of Myanmar, Assam Rifle, Chinland Defence Force, People’s Defence Force, Chin National Army, Young Mizo Association, Thomson Locations: ZOKHAWTHAR, India, Myanmar’s Chin, Mizoram, Myanmar, China, Shan State, Rakhine, Chin, India’s Zokhawthar, Republic of, Union, Zokhawthar
Myanmar rebels says dozens of junta forces surrender, captured
  + stars: | 2023-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
Reuters could not independently verify the information from the AA, which is one of three ethnic minority insurgent groups that launched a coordinated offensive against junta forces in late October. A curfew has been imposed in the Rakhine State capital Sittwe, where military tanks have been sighted, the administration there said. A junta spokesperson, Zaw Min Tun, on Tuesday accused the rebel groups of "destroying the whole country" and said reports of captured military posts were "propaganda". He did not comment on reports of junta forces surrendering. Most of the Myanmar soldiers were flown by Indian forces to another point on the border and handed back to Myanmar authorities, said an Indian security official who declined to be identified.
Persons: Nobel, Aung, Min Tun, Kanupriya Kapoor, Robert Birsel Organizations: REUTERS, Arakan Army, Reuters, AA, Myanmar, Thomson Locations: Myanmar, Myanmar's Khawmawi, India, Zokhawthar, Champhai district, India's, Mizoram, Rakhine State, Sittwe, China, Suu Kyi, Shan, Rakhine, Chin State
Total: 6