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Israel publishes tenders for new West Bank settlement units
  + stars: | 2023-05-07 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
JERUSALEM, May 7 (Reuters) - Israel has published tenders for more than 1,000 new housing units in settlements in the occupied West Bank, despite a commitment it made in U.S.-backed talks in February that discussion of new settlement units would be halted for the next four months. Since the meeting in Jordan, attended by U.S., Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli officials, the Israel Land Authority has published on its website separate tenders for 1,248 new housing units in West Bank settlements. The settlements include Beitar Illit, Efrat, Kiryat Arba, Ma'ale Efraim and Karnei Shomron in addition to 89 units in the East Jerusalem settlement of Gilo. The expansion of settlements in the West Bank has been among the most contentious issues between Israel and the Palestinians and the international community for decades. Israel disputes that and cites biblical, historical and political ties to the West Bank, as well as security interests.
Summary Abraham Accords meant to lead to wider normalisationBut four new Arab partners of Israel now in tough spotHow to deal with rightists without ditching Palestinians? It is expected to be the widest-ranging deal of its kind between Israel and an Arab state. "This is the proof that one can make peace without concessions, without capitulation - but rather, peace, peace, between people who have affection for one another," he said in comments published by the conservative Israel Hayom newspaper. “Arab countries who formed normalisation ties with the state of occupation are required more than ever to revise these agreements,” he told Reuters by phone. Netanyahu has pledged to build on the achievement during his previous term of the Abraham Accords that opened the way for a possible normalisation of relations with other Arab countries.
HILLTOP, West Bank, Nov 7 (Reuters) - High atop a rocky hill in the occupied West Bank, Israeli settlers exhilarated by a resounding right-wing election triumph surveyed a landscape dotted with Palestinian villages, scouting new spots to put down roots. But among ideological settlers who see themselves as pioneers redeeming Biblical heartland promised by God, hopes are already high for budgets, construction and infrastructure to keep their enterprise thriving. "I sense a chill down my spine coming back to the very places where my ancestors lived," said Baruch Gordon from the settlement of Bet El, where Religious Zionism election banners dot the streets. More than 450,000 people, or less than 5% of Israel's population, are Jewish settlers in the West Bank, home to about 3 million Palestinians who exercise limited self-rule there. About 80% of Bet El's votes went to Religious Zionism, data from the Knesset's election committee showed, and almost 10% to Netanyahu's Likud.
Regiunea separatistă Kosovo și-a deschis duminică ambasada sa din Ierusalim, transmite Reuters, citează Kosovo a promis că își va plasa ambasada în Ierusalim anul trecut, când a stabilit relații diplomatice cu Israelul cu ajutorul SUA. Ministerul de externe al Kosovo a anunțat pe Twitter că, prin deschiderea ambasadei, ”promisiunea făcută în Biroul Oval a fost, în sfârșit, respectată”. Israelul consideră noile sale relații cu Kosovo drept parte a normalizării legăturilor cu țările arabe și musulmane, prin acordurile la care s-a ajuns în timpul administrației Donald Trump. Wasel Abu Youssef, un membru al comitetului executiv al Organizației pentru Eliberarea Palestinei a declarat că deschiderea ambasadei Kosovo în Ierusalim este contrară rezoluțiilor ONU și este menită să ”afecteze cauza palestiniană”.
Persons: Donald Trump, Wasel Abu Organizations: Reuters, Ministerul, Oval, Organizației pentru, ONU Locations: Kosovo, Ierusalim, Israelul, SUA
Total: 4