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The submersible rides were part of a Viking Expedition trip. Hopping in one right from Viking's cruise ship makes things a little easier. AdvertisementSix passengers can ride in Viking Expedition submersibles and witness Antarctica from under the water. An expedition ship built for luxury and discoveryViking Expedition cruises to Antarctica typically have nine scientists aboard doing research and instructing passengers. Stanwell-Smit said this capability is cutting-edge for any research vessel, not a cruise ship.
Persons: , Antony Gilbert, Damon Stanwell, Smith, Viking's, Octantis, Viking Expedition submersibles, Gavin Newman, Alastair Miller, Smit Organizations: Service, Viking Expedition, Business, Geographic, Viking, Polar Research, Polaris Locations: Viking, Antarctica
CNN —At the 2023 Academy Museum Gala in Los Angeles last night, not one, but three celebrities arrived in a decidedly retro accessory: Evening gloves. First popularized in the 16th century, the opera glove (usually categorized as being between 19 and 23 inches in length) has long been a dependable garment to elevate and exaggerate any ensemble. Gomez wore her accessories over her opera gloves. Marilyn Monroe created an iconic opera gloves moment, teaming them with a bustier dress in the 1953 movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." For its latest Fall-Winter 2023 campaign, Versace dressed down a pair of black croc-effect leather elbow gloves with blue denim jeans.
Persons: Selena Gomez, Valentino, Cara Delevigne, Jared Leto’s, Givenchy, Gomez, Michael Buckner, Elizabeth I, Marilyn Monroe’s, , ” Monroe, , Monroe, Marilyn Monroe, Bella Hadid, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Rodrigo, Zoë Kravitz, Emma D’Arcy, Mia Goth, Cambridge, Paula Rowan, Versace, Kodi Smit, McPhee, Kendall Jenner, Angela Weiss, lá Gomez Organizations: CNN, Variety, Fox Locations: Los Angeles, Shutterstock, Buckingham
The team is pumping between 4,000 and 5,000 barrels of oil every hour, and has so far transferred more than 120,000 barrels to the replacement vessel carrying the offloaded oil, Gressly said. A potential spill from this vessel would be enough to make it the fifth largest oil spill from a tanker in history, a UN website said. The Red Sea is a vital strategic waterway for global trade. Video Ad Feedback Oil being removed from tanker near Yemen in Red Sea 02:29 - Source: CNNAfter The Safer is emptied, it must then be cleaned to ensure no oil residue is left, Gressly said. The Red Sea fisheries in Yemen could be “almost completely wiped out,” Rehkopf added.
Persons: CNN —, , Yemen David Gressly, SMIT, Gressly, Bab, ” Gressly, , ” David Rehkopf, ” Rehkopf, that’s, , Ahmed Nagi, ” Nagi, Nagi Organizations: CNN, United, Endeavor, UN, Yemen’s, HSA, FSO, Exxon, US Energy Information Administration, Systems, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University, Group Locations: Yemen, United Nations, Suez, Red, Alaska, Africa, Asia, Persian, Saudi, Stanford University School of Medicine . Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Brussels, Yemeni, Hodeidah
The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands in a court filing Friday estimated that it will seek damages of at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase in a lawsuit accusing the big bank of facilitating sex trafficking by its former long-time customer Jeffrey Epstein. The Virgin Islands also said it wants an order requiring JPMorgan to take a series of steps to protect young women and girls from other predators in the future. The filing says the Virgin Islands wants at least $150 million in civil penalties alone. JPMorgan in its own court filings has accused the Virgin Islands itself of being "complicit in the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein." Last month in the same court where the Virgin Islands is suing the bank JPMorgan agreed, without admitting wrongdoing, to pay $290 million to victims of Epstein to settle a suit by one of his accusers.
Persons: Jeffrey Epstein, Epstein, Jed Rakoff, Jeffrey Epstein's, JPMorgan Chase, Ariel Smith, Smith, Patricia Wexler, JPM, Virgin, Sergey Brin, Bill Gates, Lex Wexner, Glenn Dubin, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew of Great Organizations: New York State Division, Criminal, Services, Reuters, U.S . Virgin, JPMorgan Chase, Virgin, JPMorgan, Virgin Islands, Google, Microsoft, Limited Brands, Deutsche Bank, New York state's Department of Financial Services Locations: U.S, Manhattan, United States, Virgin, Eastern, Prince Andrew of Great Britain, Florida, New York
Operation to empty Yemen Safer oil tanker set to begin, UN says
  + stars: | 2023-05-31 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
DUBAI, May 30 (Reuters) - Operations to salvage 1.1 million barrels of oil from a decaying tanker moored off Yemen's coast will soon begin after a technical support ship arrived on site on Tuesday, the United Nations said. U.N. officials have been warning for years that the Red Sea and Yemen's coastline was at risk as the Safer tanker could spill four times as much oil as the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off Alaska. The Ndeavor tanker, with a technical team from Boskalis/SMIT, is in place at the Safer tanker off the coast of Yemen's Ras Isa, the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen David Gressley said on Twitter from on board the Ndeavor. The war in Yemen caused suspension of maintenance operations on the Safer in 2015. Additional funding is still important to finish the process," the U.N said on its Yemen Twitter account.
Persons: U.N, SMIT, Yemen's Ras Isa, Yemen David Gressley, Muhammad Yusuf The, Nayera Abdallah, Lisa Barrington, Bill Berkrot Organizations: United Nations, Boskalis, Twitter, REUTERS, Thomson Locations: DUBAI, Alaska, Yemen's, Yemen, Ras Issa, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Tehran
[1/3] Danil Yugoslavsky gets ready at Civic Council’s Warsaw office, hours before crossing into Ukraine, in Warsaw, Poland, January 15, 2023. Max Smit, who crossed into Ukraine with Yugoslavsky, had never held a weapon before he joined the RVC. And there are some who think that fighting for the motherland is their cause," said Galeotti, naming the Rusich Group and ENOT Corp among far-right paramilitary units fighting on Russia's side. That's still a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and volunteers fighting in Ukraine, and the thousands of foreigners that have been fighting Russian forces there. According to Sokolov, RVC fighters received regular salaries from the Ukrainian defence ministry.
Some face masks contain minute quantities of titanium dioxide, a mineral that has been flagged as a possible cancer risk when inhaled, but there is no evidence that mask users inhale it at all, or in harmful quantities. Experts told Reuters that some masks approved in the U.S. may contain small amounts of titanium dioxide. However, the study tested masks distributed in Europe and did not test whether mask users inhaled any particles. Although some face masks approved by the FDA can contain titanium dioxide, the study cited in online claims does not provide evidence that titanium dioxide is released from face masks or that face mask users can inhale titanium dioxide released from masks. Titanium dioxide has only been classified as a carcinogen by the European Chemicals agency under specific conditions.
Peste 200 de persoane din grupurile de risc din raionul Floreşti au beneficiat de servicii de prevenire a tuberculozei (TB) în cadrul unui proiect desfăşurat în perioada 16 noiembrie – 24 decembrie 2020, în valoare totală de 83 de mii lei. Aceşti bani au fost alocaţi din fondul măsurilor de profilaxie al Companiei Naţionale de Asigurări în Medicină. Beneficiarii au efectuat examinarea radiologică, în urma căreia 32 de persoane au fost suspectate de infectare cu TB. Totodată, în cadrul proiectului au fost organizate întruniri de informare a comunităţii despre tuberculoză şi necesitatea examinării la timp a persoanelor din grupurile de risc la TB. Proiectul „Depistarea tuberculozei în rândul populaţiei-cheie afectate în raionul Floreşti” a fost implementat de către Asociaţia Naţională a Bolnavilor de Tuberculoză din Republica Moldova “SMIT”, în urma participării la concursul de selectare a proiectelor finanţate din sursele fondului măsurilor de profilaxie al CNAM.
Organizations: Companiei Locations: Floreşti, Republica Moldova
Comisia specializată de selectare şi evaluare a proiectelor finanţate din mijloacele fondului măsurilor de profilaxie a desemnat câştigătorul concursului desfăşurat în perioada 26-30 octombrie 2020. Învingătorul acestuia este Asociaţia Naţională a Bolnavilor de Tuberculoză din Republica Moldova „SMIT”, care a depus proiectul de profilaxie „Depistarea tuberculozei în rândul populaţiei-cheie afectate în raionul Floreşti”. Obiectivul principal al proiectului este examinarea grupurilor de risc şi sporirea vigilenţei pentru depistarea precoce a tuberculozei. Proiectul prevede acordarea de servicii unui număr de 200 de beneficiari din raionul Floreşti şi va fi implementat în perioada noiembrie-decembrie 2020. Volumul mijloacelor financiare ce urmează a fi alocate din fondul măsurilor de profilaxie este de 88,4 mii de lei.
Organizations: OMS Locations: Republica Moldova, Floreşti
Potrivit, tema din acest an a Bucharest Forum este centrată în jurul rezilienţei sistemelor financiare, instituţiilor şi sistemelor politice şi a societăţilor în ansamblul lor, în contextul transformărilor profunde generate la nivel global de pandemia COVID-19. Bucharest Forum este un eveniment organizat de Institutul Aspen România şi Biroul din Bucureşti al The German Marshall Fund of the United States, în parteneriat cu Guvernul României. Vorbitor principal în cadrul Bucharest Forum va fi secretarul general adjunct al NATO, Mircea Geoană, fost preşedinte al Institutului Aspen din România şi gazda Bucharest Forum în primele sale şapte ediţii. Prima zi a evenimentului va găzdui de asemenea o discuţie pe tema relaţiilor transatlantice între Amb. Pentru prima dată în acest an, evenimentele sectoriale ale Institutului Aspen România, inclusiv Healthcare Forum, Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum, Energy Summit şi Governance Innovation Forum, vor avea loc sub umbrela Bucharest Forum 2020.
Persons: Ludovic Orban, Mircea Geoană, Svetlana Tihanovskaia, Adrian Zuckerman, Bogdan Aurescu, Adina, Andreas Schaal, Sven Smit, Jeff, Nicholas Burns, David McAllister, Steve, The Hill Organizations: Bucharest Forum, România, German, United States, NATO, OECD, Microsoft Europe, Aspen Strategy Group, Harvard Kennedy School, Energy Summit Locations: Mării Negre, Europa, Asia, America, Bucharest, Bucureşti, României, România, Belarus, SUA, The, Atlantic, Black
Total: 10