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Search resuls for: "NYU Langone Center"

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Psychedelic therapy is nowhere near as simple as filling a prescription and taking a pill at home. A clinical psychologist, she founded and now leads the first accredited psychedelic therapy training program in the U.S. at the California Institute of Integral Studies. The psychedelic therapy program entails 150 hours of instruction and several in-person training sessions. So why the growing interest in using psychedelic drugs for mental health? Treatment with psychedelic drugs is not as simple as giving the patient a pill to take at home, and it’s not for everybody.
Bogenschutz and his team specifically set out to test whether or not psilocybin, in addition to sessions of therapy, could cut cravings and help people with alcohol use disorder stay sober. Earlier research from institutions around the world has indicated that psilocybin has the potential to treat a variety of addiction disorders, including alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorder and addiction to smoking. Jon KostasWhen he began the psilocybin trial at age 25, he was consuming almost 23 drinks in a single bender. At the beginning of the first dose sessions, participants were given eye masks and headphones that played classical music. Bogenschutz said the rule of thumb with alcohol addiction treatment is that about one-third of patients who seek treatment will get better.
Vaccinurile Pfizer şi Moderna anti-Covid ar trebui să rămână extrem de eficiente împotriva a două variante identificate pentru prima dată în India, potrivit noilor cercetări efectuate de oamenii de ştiinţă din SUA. Studiul de laborator a fost realizat de Şcoala de Medicină NYU Grossman şi NYU Langone Center şi este considerat preliminar, deoarece nu a fost încă publicat într-un jurnal, înainte de a fi evaluat de colegi, scrie Mediafax. Acest amestec a fost apoi pus în contact cu celulele cultivate în laborator, pentru a observa câte ar fi infectate. Pentru varianta B.1.618, reducerea a fost de aproximativ trei ori. Sunt destui care îşi fac treaba, încât credem că vaccinurile vor rămâne extrem de eficiente," a adăugat Nathaniel Landau.
Persons: Grossman, Nathaniel, Ned Landau, Nathaniel Landau Organizations: NYU Langone, Mediafax Locations: India, SUA, NYU, NYU Langone Center, Statele Unite, pseudovirus
Total: 3