China's steel exports will soon hit an eight-year high, before sweeping tariffs sink in and drag down the industry in 2025, industry watchers said.
As the biggest exporter of steel, China accounts for about 55% of the world's steel production.
Strategists at Macquarie Capital predicted that China's steel exports will reach 109 million tons this year, before declining to 96 million tons in 2025.
Trade tariffs could further curb China's steel exports, "albeit this may require a while to play out," analysts from the the investment bank told CNBC.
After hitting a record high of 112 million tons in 2015, the country's steel exports had been on a multi-year slide before it started improving in 2020.
Ren Zhuqian
Science & Technology, Macquarie Capital, CNBC, Citigroup, Steel
JIUJIANG, CHINA, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China