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UK PM Sunak considers bullying report into his deputy Raab
  + stars: | 2023-04-20 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
LONDON, April 20 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has received an independent report into allegations of bullying against Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab and is considering his response, Sunak's spokesperson said on Thursday. "The prime minister has received the report from Adam Tolley the independent investigator. He is considering those findings," Sunak's spokesperson said. The spokesperson said that Sunak wished to publish his response as soon as possible, but did not say if that would be on Thursday. Raab, who is also justice minister, has said he was confident he had behaved professionally throughout, while Sunak initially defended his deputy when the reports surfaced, saying he did not recognise allegations that Raab had bullied staff.
Sunak spent much of Thursday considering the findings of the independent investigation into claims against Dominic Raab, his most senior minister and ally. A spokesman for Sunak said the prime minister had received the report and was "considering the findings". One government official later said the report would not be published on Thursday as the prime wanted to go through the report thoroughly. The investigation was asked to establish the facts, but not to form a conclusion about whether Raab was guilty of bullying. The ultimate arbiter will be the prime minister, who will decide whether Raab has broken the ministerial code, which states ministers should treat officials with respect.
LONDON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Monday he had acted "pretty decisively" by sacking Conservative Party chair Nadhim Zahawi over his personal tax affairs, moving to quell criticism that he had acted too slowly. He said he had moved quickly to sack Zahawi, who was briefly finance minister last year under former prime minister Boris Johnson, when his independent adviser ruled that the party chair had broken the rules guiding the behaviour of ministers. The opposition Labour Party has described Sunak as being too weak to deal with his party, which ousted two prime ministers last year over scandal and economic chaos. Sunak now faces a challenge to appoint a new chair to the Conservative Party, a position made ever more important before an election widely expected next year. Late last year, Gavin Williamson resigned from Sunak's cabinet team of top ministers over bullying allegations, while Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is under investigation on bullying charges.
“While respect for human rights is unquestionably a high priority, we have many other equities at stake,” McCulley wrote. He said the focus on human rights had sent relations between the two countries into the “lowest ebb” in his three years there. Nigeria’s human rights record wasn’t only a moral issue – it was a legal one. Working under these laws provided “openings to incentivise and institutionalise” human rights protections within the Nigerian military, the State Department said. The pact also noted that London and Abuja had agreed on an “enhanced human rights dialogue” to ensure compliance with international rights standards.
Summary Raab asks PM to investigate complaintsMinister claims he never tolerated bullyingOpposition parties question Sunak's judgementLONDON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - British Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said on Wednesday he has requested an independent investigation into two formal complaints about his behaviour, the latest case of alleged bullying to put pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. In a letter to Sunak, Raab said he had "just been notified" of complaints, both relating to his behaviour when he served under former prime minister Boris Johnson. Sunak defended his deputy this week, saying he did not recognise allegations that Raab had bullied staff. With Sunak travelling from a G20 meeting, Raab instead will face Labour's deputy leader, Angela Rayner. It is not clear who will investigate the allegations against Raab as Sunak has yet to appoint a new independent adviser on ministerial standards.
UK's Rishi Sunak says he regrets making Williamson a minister
  + stars: | 2022-11-09 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
LONDON, Nov 9 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Wednesday that he regretted giving a ministerial role to Gavin Williamson who resigned on Tuesday after claims that he bullied colleagues. "I obviously regret appointing someone who has had to resign in these circumstances," Sunak said during the weekly Prime Minister's Questions session in parliament. Opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer called Williamson a "pathetic bully" and challenged Sunak over his decision to appoint him. [1/3] Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivers a speech during a reception for world leaders, business figures, environmentalists and NGOs, hosted by King Charles III at Buckingham Palace, London, ahead of the Cop27 Summit. Reporting by Farouq Suleiman, writing by Muvija M Editing by William SchombergOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Summary Williams resigns to comply with inquiryOpposition parties question Sunak's judgementLONDON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - British minister Gavin Williamson resigned on Tuesday from the government over claims that he bullied colleagues, raising questions about Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's judgement just weeks into the job. Sunak became Britain's third prime minister in two months in October, pledging to restore integrity and professionalism to the heart of government following months of turmoil under his predecessors, Liz Truss and Boris Johnson. The opposition Labour Party said Williamson's resignation was a "damning reflection of a weak prime minister". The government and fellow ministers had previously said that Williamson's messages, if true, were not acceptable but that more time was needed to investigate the situation. Reporting by Muvija M and Kate Holton, Editing by Kylie MacLellan and Rosalba O'BrienOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
LONDON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Tuesday he had accepted minister Gavin Williamson's resignation "with great sadness" and was grateful for his personal support and loyalty. Williamson said earlier he was quitting to "comply fully" with an investigation into whether he had bullied colleagues while in previous roles. I would like to thank you for your personal support and loyalty," Sunak said in a letter to Williamson which was published by the government. Sunak has been under pressure for the choice of some of his ministers after he was elected as Britain's third prime minister in two months. Reporting by Muvija M, Editing by Kylie MacLellanOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
UK's Sunak stands by minister accused of sending bullying texts
  + stars: | 2022-11-06 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
LONDON, Nov 6 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is standing by a government minister who has been accused of bullying a colleague, cabinet office minister Oliver Dowden said on Sunday, saying the phone messages in question were sent "in the heat of the moment". I think he now accepts that he shouldn't have done it and he regrets doing so," Dowden told Sky News. "He shouldn't have sent those messages ... But of course the prime minister continues to have confidence in Gavin Williamson." Since being appointed as Britain's third prime minister in two months almost two weeks ago, Sunak has come under pressure for his government appointments, particularly Braverman's reappointment as interior minister.
Guvernul britanic a decis să mențină închise toate școlile primare din Londra pentru umatoarele două săptămâni, pentru a contracara răspândirea rapidă a infecțiilor cu nouă tulpină de coronavirus. Asta după ce săptămâna trecută anunțase că unele instituții de invataman se vor deschide de luni, 4 ianuarie. Primarul Londrei, Sadiq Khan, a declarat că guvernul a luat în sfârșit o decizie cu sens și a anulat planul inițial de a permite elevilor din anumite zone să se întoarcă luni la școală, relatează BBC. Guvernul a declarat că a decis ca toate școlile primare din capitală să fie obligate să ofere cursuri la distanță, după o revizuire suplimentară a ratelor de transmitere a coronavirusului. Asta după ce transmiterea noii tulpini de coronavirus s-a accelerat și au intrat în vigoare restricțiile în Regatul Unit.
Persons: Sadiq Khan, Gavin Williamson, Williamson Organizations: BBC Locations: Londra, britanică, City of London, România, Anglia, Regatul Unit
Elevii şi profesorii vor fi eligibili pentru testare zilnică timp de şapte zile dacă sunt identificaţi că au intrat în contact strâns cu o persoană testată pozitiv la COVID-19, a anunţat marţi ministrul Educaţiei, Gavin Williamson.Conform normelor actuale, o şcoală întreagă poate fi forţată să intre în autoizolare dacă un elev sau un membru al personalului este testat pozitiv. Însă, din ianuarie, este posibil ca cei din aceeaşi şcoală să nu fie nevoiţi să se autoizoleze dacă sunt de acord să fie testaţi o dată pe zi.Anunţul survine după ce o schemă pilot a fost testată în unele şcoli la începutul toamnei.Conform normelor actuale, elevii din Ţara Galilor, Scoţia şi Irlanda de Nord pot solicita autorităţilor teste dacă încep să prezinte simptome de COVID-19.
Persons: Gavin Locations: Ţara Galilor, Scoţia, Irlanda de Nord
Total: 11