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These images of a Russian submarine were taken last week by 🇵🇹 P3 Maritime Patrol Aircraft while under #NATO in the #BalticSea. While it's unclear what Russian sub was documented in these photos, Russia recently conducted a submarine exercise in the Baltic Sea. The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba, arrives at Havana's harbor. Russian submarines are active far beyond the Baltic Sea and remain an important element of the Russian navy. For instance, the submarine Kazan was spotted in Cuba recently during a Russian navy flotilla visit and prior to exercises in the Caribbean.
Persons: , Lockheed Martin Organizations: Service, NATO, Business, NATO Maritime Command, Orion, Lockheed, 🇵🇹 P Locations: Russian, Baltic, Portuguese
Read previewTwo Russian submarines recently fought a torpedo duel, conducting training that involved detecting enemies, evading attacks, and working combat maneuvers. The exercises took place in the Baltic Sea, waters sometimes referred to as a "NATO lake" due to its waters being surrounded by NATO allies since Sweden and Finland ascended into the alliance. The Kilo-class, diesel-electric submarines Novorossiysk and Dmitrov held a training duel involving torpedo fire, according to Russian state-run media TASS. After wrapping up the torpedo training, the two Russian submarines went on to conduct other combat exercises in the Baltic Sea, Russian media said. Ships from NATO navies sail in formation in the Baltic Sea during the exercise Baltic Operations 2023.
Persons: , Shawn Coover Organizations: Service, NATO, Business, Russian Kilo, Ships, US Marine Corps, Staff Locations: Baltic, Sweden, Finland, Novorossiysk, Dmitrov, Russian, Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Germany, St, Petersburg, Primorsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow
Ukraine has accused Russia of deploying missiles made by MMZ Avangard against ground targets since Russia launched what it terms its "special operation" on Feb. 24. "Extreme equipment is used on Russian warships," the complaint said, "in communications systems." "It was necessary to use a cover because the Russian company is blacklisted in the U.S.," one of the people familiar with the shipments said. The executive said he had never heard of Extreme or of DEMZ buying Extreme equipment for itself or on behalf of others. Like MMZ Avangard, United Shipbuilding has been listed as a "blocked" entity by the U.S. Treasury since July 2014.
Dispozițiile Primarului mun. Cahul pentru luna februarie 2021
  + stars: | 2021-03-11 | by ( )   time to read: +6 min
44 cu privire la organizarea acțiunilor de comemorare a compatrioților căzuți în războiul din Afganistan organizată la data de 13 februarie 2021. Cahul alocă suma de 750,00 lei, pentru procurarea florilor ce urmează a fi depuse la mormintele celor căzuți în război. 47, emisă în data de 10 februarie, pentru asigurarea hranei sportivilor, arbitrilor și medicului (19 pers x 200 lei) în cadrul Campionatului Republicii Moldova la volei, etapa II, desfășurat pe data de 14 februarie 2021 în mun Cahul. Cahul pe data de 25 februarie 2021. Cahul în componență de 10 persoane, la Turneul internațional la lupte Greco-romane, desfășurat în perioada 26-27 februarie 2021, în or.
Persons: mun ., Grigore Vieru, Nicolae Botgros, ., învingătorilor, Vodă . Organizations: Ziua, Pro Locations: mun, mun . Cahul, Moldova, mun.Cahul, Afganistan, Cahul, . Cahul, 10.02.2021, Pro - Team, Ialoveni, Moscova, Federația Rusă
Total: 4