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And yet, an antiviral treatment proven to lessen the chances of severe outcomes is going underused. The drug, Paxlovid, is lauded by experts as a powerful tool that can prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19. One Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that Paxlovid can decrease hospitalization risks among adults by 51%. The study by Harvard researchers found that Paxlovid was disproportionately given to Medicare patients with lower risk of severe infection. “There are very few medications and very few patients whose potential medication interaction with Paxlovid is so severe that they’re better off not taking Paxlovid,” he said.
Persons: they’ve, , Amesh, Paxlovid, Kurt Proctor, Celise Ballow, Ballow, “ I’m, I’m, … I’m, ” Ballow, ’ ”, Sarah George, Michael Barnett, Robert Wood Johnson Organizations: Johns Hopkins University, Disease Control, Pfizer, National Community Pharmacists Association, St, Louis University, Harvard, Associated Press Health, Science Department, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, AP Locations: COVID, U.S, Junction , Utah, Paxlovid, Harvard
"The end of the COVID-19 public health emergency marks a tremendous transition for our country, for public health, and in my tenure as CDC Director," Walensky wrote to President Joe Biden in her resignation letter. "We have all benefited from her service and dedication to public health, and I wish her the best in her next chapter," Biden said in a statement. "For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations," she told CDC staff last summer. Public health experts said Walensky wrestled with political and technical challenges during her tenure. "Dr. Walensky was put into place at the CDC at a time when the agency was basically captive to politicians which clearly hampered her ability to lead," he said.
Protests are erupting across China over the country's restrictive zero-COVID policies. Public-health experts say the policies are unsustainable, ineffective, and unnecessarily severe. Without vaccination campaigns targeting older adults, China's lockdowns may only delay a catastrophic COVID wave. Tyrone Siu/ReutersThere is no easy way forward for China, but constant 2020-style lockdowns are not the solution, according to public-health experts, who called the policies unsustainable, ineffective, and irrational. As a result, Huang thinks the zero-COVID lockdowns are completely unwarranted.
On social media, families say they’ve hunted for hours for Tamiflu and the first-line antibiotics amoxicillin and Augmentin. They have one viral illness after another. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of US states have “high” or “very high” respiratory virus activity. As for the antibiotics amoxicillin and Augmentin – a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate, an agent that helps guard against antibiotic resistance – it’s not entirely clear why demand is so high. Some viral illness, like influenza, can leave the body more vulnerable to secondary bacterial infections that may need treatment with antibiotics.
U.S. rollout of new COVID boosters off to slow start
  + stars: | 2022-09-23 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
A nurse fills up syringes with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines for residents who are over 50 years old and immunocompromised and are eligible to receive their second booster shots in Waterford, Michigan, U.S., April 8, 2022. The government said earlier this week it has shipped 25 million of the Omicron-tailored shots, mostly from Pfizer (PFE.N)/BioNTech (22UAy.DE). Last year, when the United States initially authorized COVID boosters just for older and immunocompromised people, nearly 10 million received their third shot in the first three weeks. The updated shots target the widely circulating BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants as well as the original version of the coronavirus included in all previous COVID vaccines. Moderna had been producing new boosters aimed at the older BA.1 Omicron subvariant when the FDA asked them to change course to address the currently dominant variants for the U.S. market.
For now, it remains a public health emergency in the United States, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, and it’s still a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC, according to WHO. Each country, in turn, declares its own public health emergency – declarations that carry legal weight. In the United States, for example, the end of the public health emergency will have ramifications for health care coverage and cost-sharing of Covid-19 tests and treatments. At this point, WHO is not saying whether it will recognize an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, he said, WHO will continue to assess the need for the public health emergency, and an expert committee meets every three months to do that.
Some public health experts worry that political motives are driving the President's desire to declare the pandemic over, rather than protection of the public's health. It's a 9/11, week after week after week," said Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health. The World Health Organization recognizes a global health threat as something different: a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC. The US also recognizes a public health emergency. Covid-19 is still considered to be a public health emergency both domestically and around the world.
Totodată, este important să fie analizat raportul risc-beneficii, a mai spus el. "Se va constata că vaccinurile aduc un beneficiu care depăşeşte fără dubiu acest risc foarte scăzut, dacă riscul va fi stabilit", a adăugat profesorul Adalja.Potrivit CDC, cazurile de inflamaţii cardiace au fost raportate de obicei în primele patru zile după administrarea unor vaccinuri bazate pe tehnologia ARN mesager. CDC nu a precizat denumirile vaccinurilor folosite în acele cazuri. Autorităţile din Statele Unite au acordat autorizaţii de utilizare în regim de urgenţă pentru două vaccinuri de tip ARN mesager - cele dezvoltate de compania Moderna şi de alianţa Pfizer-BioNTech.Ministerul Sănătăţii din Israel a anunţat în luna aprilie că examinează un număr mic de cazuri de inflamaţii cardiace la persoane inoculate cu vaccinul Pfizer, însă nu a ajuns deocamdată la nicio concluzie. Cele mai multe dintre cazurile depistate în Israel au fost raportate la persoane cu vârste sub 30 de ani.La acea vreme, grupul Pfizer a precizat că nu a observat o rată mai mare a acestei afecţiuni în raport cu cea estimată în rândul populaţiei generale şi că o legătură de cauzalitate cu vaccinul său nu a putut fi stabilită.Reprezentanţii companiilor Pfizer şi Moderna nu au dat curs solicitărilor de a face declaraţii pe marginea acestui subiect, sâmbătă.La sfârşitul lunii aprilie, după ştirea despre investigaţia din Israel, CDC a anunţat că nu a găsit o legătură între vaccinurile anti-COVID-19 şi miocardită.La începutul acestei luni, autorităţile cu rol de reglementare din Statele Unite au extins autorizaţia acordată vaccinului Pfizer-BioNTech şi pentru copiii cu vârste cuprinse între 12 şi 15 ani.Informaţia despre noua analiză demarată de CDC a fost publicată în premieră în cotidianul The New York Times.
Organizations: Johns Hopkins Center, Moderna, The New York Times Locations: Statele Unite, Johns, Security, Israel
Creșterea, care a avut loc în săptămâna care a început pe 2 decembrie, a fost de aproximativ 2.059% față de aceeași săptămână a anului precedent, potrivit datelor documentelor. Wuhan a fost al treilea cel mai grav afectat, cu 2.032 de cazuri noi în acea săptămână. „Acei oameni mergeau să se trateze în spitale, crescând șansele de infectare cu COVID acolo”, a spus el. Guvernul chinez a spus că pandemia a pornit din piața de pește Huanan din Wuhan, unde era vândută carne de animale sălbatice exotice. „Această mare creștere înseamnă că trebuie să se fi întâmplat ceva”, a spus el.
Persons: CNN, ro ., Wuhan, Hopkins, El, pandemia, Andrew Mertha, Universitatea Johns Hopkins Organizations: CNN, Siguranța Sănătății, Nature, Universitatea Johns Locations: Wuhan, Hubei, China
Total: 9